Source code for cca_zoo.datasets.simulated

import itertools
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import List, Union

import numpy as np
import scipy
from scipy.sparse import block_diag
from sklearn.datasets import make_spd_matrix
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_random_state

from cca_zoo._utils._checks import _process_parameter

def cov_eigvals(X):
    S = np.linalg.svd(X, compute_uv=False) ** 2
    return S.sum()

class _BaseData(ABC):
    def __init__(
        view_features: List[int],
        latent_dimensions: int = 1,
        random_state: Union[int, np.random.RandomState] = None,
        rank: int = None,
        density: float = 1.0,
        self.view_features = view_features
        self.latent_dimensions = latent_dimensions
        self.random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
        self.rank = min(view_features) if rank is None else rank
        self.density = density

    def _generate_covariance_matrix(self, features: int, structure: str):
        Generates a covariance matrix for a view based on the specified structure.

        :param features: Number of features in the view.
        :param structure: Structure type of the covariance matrix.
        :return: A covariance matrix for the view.
        if structure == "identity":
            return np.eye(features)
            covariance_matrix = make_spd_matrix(
                features, random_state=self.random_state
            return self._scale_covariance_matrix(covariance_matrix)

    def _scale_covariance_matrix(covariance_matrix):
        Scales a covariance matrix so that its diagonal elements are 1, effectively
        converting it to a correlation matrix.

        :param cov_matrix: A numpy array representing the covariance matrix.
        :return: Scaled covariance matrix with 1s on the diagonal.
        # Extract the standard deviations from the diagonal of the covariance matrix
        std_devs = np.sqrt(np.diag(covariance_matrix))

        # Scale the covariance matrix
        scaled_cov_matrix = covariance_matrix / np.outer(std_devs, std_devs)

        return scaled_cov_matrix

    def _covariance_factor(self, features, structure):
        Generates a covariance factor matrix based on the specified structure. For a large number of
        features, it generates a sparse representation to reduce memory and computational demands.

        :param features: Number of features in the view.
        :param structure: Structure type of the covariance matrix.
        :return: A covariance factor matrix for the view.
        if structure == "identity":
            factor = scipy.sparse.eye(features, features)
            factor /= np.sqrt(features)
            return factor
            factor = scipy.sparse.random(
            s = scipy.linalg.svdvals(factor.toarray())
            factor /= np.sqrt(s.sum())
            return factor

    def covariance_matrices(self):
        return [factor @ factor.T for factor in self.covariance_factors]

    def sample(self, n_samples: int):

[docs] class LatentVariableData(_BaseData): """ This class generates data based on latent variable models. It allows for the specification of various parameters including the sparsity and structure of the data views, and the signal-to-noise ratio. It also supports sparse covariance matrix factorization to handle scenarios with a high number of features efficiently, reducing memory and computational demands. """ def __init__( self, view_features: List[int], latent_dimensions: int = 1, random_state: Union[int, np.random.RandomState] = None, sparsity_levels: Union[List[float], float] = None, positivity_constraints: Union[bool, List[bool]] = False, covariance_structure: str = "identity", signal_to_noise_ratio: float = 1.0, rank: int = None, density: float = 1.0, ): """ Initializes the LatentVariableData class with specified parameters. :param view_features: List of integers representing the number of features in each view. :param latent_dimensions: The number of latent dimensions in the data. :param random_state: The random state for reproducibility. :param sparsity_levels: A float or a list of floats specifying the sparsity level for each view. :param positivity_constraints: A boolean or a list of booleans indicating if the loadings should be positive. :param covariance_structure: Specifies the structure of the covariance matrix ('identity' or other). :param signal_to_noise_ratio: The signal-to-noise ratio in the data. :param rank: Maximum rank for sparse covariance matrix factorization, used for large feature sets. :param density: Density of the sparse matrix in sparse covariance matrix factorization. """ super().__init__(view_features, latent_dimensions, random_state, rank, density) self.signal_to_noise_ratio = signal_to_noise_ratio self.sparsity_levels = _process_parameter( "sparsity_levels", sparsity_levels, 1.0, len(view_features) ) self.positivity_constraints = _process_parameter( "positivity_constraints", positivity_constraints, False, len(view_features) ) self.covariance_structure = _process_parameter( "covariance_structure", covariance_structure, "identity", len(view_features) ) self.true_loadings = [ self._generate_loading_matrix(features, sparsity, positivity) for features, sparsity, positivity in zip( self.view_features, self.sparsity_levels, self.positivity_constraints ) ] self.covariance_factors = [ self._covariance_factor(features, structure) for features, structure in zip( self.view_features, self.covariance_structure ) ] def _generate_loading_matrix( self, features: int, sparsity: float, positivity: bool ): """ Generates a loading matrix for a view based on the specified sparsity and positivity. :param features: Number of features in the view. :param sparsity: Sparsity level for the view. :param positivity: Whether to enforce positivity constraints. :return: A loading matrix for the view. """ loading_matrix = self.random_state.standard_normal( size=(features, self.latent_dimensions) ) if sparsity <= 1: sparsity = int(np.ceil(sparsity * features)) mask_elements = [0] * (features - sparsity) + [1] * sparsity mask = np.stack([mask_elements] * loading_matrix.shape[1]).T np.random.shuffle(mask) loading_matrix *= mask if positivity: loading_matrix = np.abs(loading_matrix) # divide by sum of eigenvalues to normalize loading_matrix /= np.sqrt( np.linalg.eigvalsh(loading_matrix.T @ loading_matrix).sum() ) return loading_matrix
[docs] def sample(self, num_samples: int, return_latent: bool = False): """ Generates samples from the latent variable model. :param num_samples: Number of samples to generate. :param return_latent: Whether to return the latent variables along with the views. :return: Generated views and optionally the latent variables. """ latent_variables = self.random_state.multivariate_normal( np.zeros(self.latent_dimensions), np.eye(self.latent_dimensions), num_samples, ) views = [ latent_variables @ loading.T + self.random_state.standard_normal( size=(num_samples, covariance_factor.shape[1]) )
[docs] @ covariance_factor.T / np.sqrt(self.signal_to_noise_ratio) for loading, covariance_factor in zip( self.true_loadings, self.covariance_factors ) ] return (views, latent_variables) if return_latent else views
def joint_covariance_matrix(self): """ Computes the joint covariance matrix for all views. :return: The joint covariance matrix. """ joint_cov = np.zeros((sum(self.view_features), sum(self.view_features))) joint_cov[: self.view_features[0], : self.view_features[0]] = ( self.true_loadings[0] @ self.true_loadings[0].T + self.covariance_matrices[0] ) joint_cov[self.view_features[0] :, self.view_features[0] :] = ( self.true_loadings[1] @ self.true_loadings[1].T + self.covariance_matrices[1] ) joint_cov[: self.view_features[0], self.view_features[0] :] = ( self.true_loadings[0] @ self.true_loadings[1].T ) joint_cov[self.view_features[0] :, : self.view_features[0]] = ( self.true_loadings[1] @ self.true_loadings[0].T ) return joint_cov
[docs] def true_features(self): """ Estimates the true features based on the loading matrices and covariance matrices. :return: List of estimated true features for each view. """ return [ np.linalg.inv(cov + loading.T @ loading) @ loading for cov, loading in zip(self.covariance_matrices, self.true_loadings) ]
[docs] class JointData(_BaseData): """ Class for generating simulated data for a linear model with multiple representations. """ def __init__( self, view_features: List[int], latent_dimensions: int = 1, sparsity_levels: Union[List[float], float] = None, correlation: Union[List[float], float] = 0.99, covariance_structure: str = "random", positive: Union[bool, List[bool]] = False, random_state: Union[int, np.random.RandomState] = None, rank: int = None, density: float = 1.0, ): super().__init__(view_features, latent_dimensions, random_state, rank, density) self.correlation = _process_parameter( "correlation", correlation, 0.99, self.latent_dimensions ) self.sparsity_levels = _process_parameter( "sparsity_levels", sparsity_levels, 1.0, len(view_features) ) self.covariance_structure = _process_parameter( "covariance_structure", covariance_structure, "random", len(view_features) ) self.positive = _process_parameter( "positive", positive, False, len(view_features) ) self.covariance_factors = [ self._covariance_factor(features, structure) for features, structure in zip( self.view_features, self.covariance_structure ) ] self.true_features = [ self._generate_true_weight(view_features, sparsity_levels, is_positive, cov) for view_features, sparsity_levels, is_positive, cov in zip( self.view_features, self.sparsity_levels, self.positive, self.covariance_factors, ) ] self.true_loadings = [ covariance_factor @ (covariance_factor.T @ weight) for weight, covariance_factor in zip( self.true_features, self.covariance_factors ) ] U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd( self._generate_joint_covariance(self.covariance_factors), full_matrices=True ) self.US = U * np.sqrt(S) def _generate_true_weight( self, view_features, sparsity_levels, is_positive, covariance_factor ): loadings = self.random_state.randn(view_features, self.latent_dimensions) if sparsity_levels <= 1: sparsity_levels = np.ceil(sparsity_levels * loadings.shape[0]).astype(int) mask_elements = [0] * (loadings.shape[0] - sparsity_levels) + [ 1 ] * sparsity_levels mask = np.stack([mask_elements] * loadings.shape[1]).T self.random_state.shuffle(mask) loadings *= mask if is_positive: loadings = np.abs(loadings) return loadings / np.sqrt( np.diag((loadings.T @ covariance_factor) @ (covariance_factor.T @ loadings)) ) def _generate_joint_covariance(self, covariance_factors): """Generates a joint covariance matrix for all representations.""" joint_covariance = block_diag( [ covariance_factor @ covariance_factor.T for covariance_factor in covariance_factors ] ).toarray() split_points = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(self.view_features))) for i, j in itertools.combinations(range(len(split_points) - 1), 2): cross_cov = self._compute_cross_covariance(covariance_factors, i, j) joint_covariance[ split_points[i] : split_points[i + 1], split_points[j] : split_points[j + 1], ] = cross_cov joint_covariance[ split_points[j] : split_points[j + 1], split_points[i] : split_points[i + 1], ] = cross_cov.T return joint_covariance def _compute_cross_covariance(self, cov_factors, i, j): """Computes the cross-covariance matrix for a pair of representations.""" cross_cov = scipy.zeros((self.view_features[i], self.view_features[j])) for _ in range(self.latent_dimensions): outer_product = scipy.outer( self.true_features[i][:, _], self.true_features[j][:, _] ) cross_cov += ( cov_factors[i] @ cov_factors[i].T @ (self.correlation[_] * outer_product) @ cov_factors[j] @ cov_factors[j].T ) return cross_cov def sample(self, n_samples: int): random_data = self.random_state.standard_normal( size=(n_samples, self.US.shape[0]) ) samples = random_data @ self.US.T return np.split(samples, np.cumsum(self.view_features)[:-1], axis=1)