Source code for cca_zoo.deep._discriminative._dcca_sdl

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

from ._dcca import DCCA

def sdl_loss(view):
    """Calculate SDL loss."""
    cov = torch.cov(view.T)
    sgn = torch.sign(cov)
    return torch.mean(cov * sgn)

[docs] class DCCA_SDL(DCCA): """ A class used to fit a Deep _CCALoss by Stochastic Decorrelation model. References ---------- Chang, Xiaobin, Tao Xiang, and Timothy M. Hospedales. "Scalable and effective deep _CCALoss via soft decorrelation." Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2018. """ def __init__( self, latent_dimensions: int, encoders=None, r: float = 0, eps: float = 1e-5, shared_target: bool = False, lam=0.5, **kwargs ): super().__init__( latent_dimensions=latent_dimensions, encoders=encoders, r=r, eps=eps, shared_target=shared_target, **kwargs ) self.c = None self.lam = lam self.bns = torch.nn.ModuleList( [ torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(latent_dimensions, affine=False) for _ in self.encoders ] )
[docs] def forward(self, views, **kwargs): z = [] for i, (encoder, bn) in enumerate(zip(self.encoders, self.bns)): z.append(bn(encoder(views[i]))) return z
[docs] def loss(self, batch, **kwargs): z = self(batch["views"]) l2_loss = F.mse_loss(z[0], z[1]) SDL_loss = torch.sum(torch.stack([sdl_loss(z_) for z_ in z])) loss = l2_loss + self.lam * SDL_loss return {"objective": loss, "l2": l2_loss, "sdl": SDL_loss}
def _sdl_loss(self, covs): loss = 0 for cov in covs: sgn = torch.sign(cov) sgn.fill_diagonal_(0) loss += torch.mean(cov * sgn) return loss