Source code for cca_zoo.visualisation.scores

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

from cca_zoo._utils._checks import check_seaborn_support
from cca_zoo._utils._cross_correlation import cross_corrcoef

[docs] class ScoreScatterDisplay: """ Display the scores of a model. Args: scores (tuple): Tuple of two arrays representing training scores for two representations. test_scores (tuple, optional): Tuple of two arrays representing test scores for two representations. Default is None. labels (array-like, optional): Labels for training data. Default is None. test_labels (array-like, optional): Labels for test data. Default is None. separate (bool, optional): Whether to plot train and test scores separately. Default is False. show_corr (bool, optional): Whether to show correlation plots. Default is True. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to seaborn's scatterplot. Attributes: figure_ (matplotlib.figure.Figure): The generated figure. """ def __init__( self, scores, test_scores=None, labels=None, test_labels=None, show_corr=True, ax_labels=None, **kwargs, ): self.scores = scores self.test_scores = test_scores self.labels = labels self.test_labels = test_labels ( self.combined_scores_x, self.combined_scores_y, self.mode_labels, self.combined_labels, ) = self._combine_scores() self.kwargs = kwargs self.show_corr = show_corr if self.show_corr: self.train_corrs, self.test_corrs = self._calculate_correlations() self.ax_labels = ax_labels def _combine_scores(self): if self.test_scores is not None: combined_x = np.vstack((self.scores[0], self.test_scores[0])) combined_y = np.vstack((self.scores[1], self.test_scores[1])) mode_labels = np.array( ["Train"] * len(self.scores[0]) + ["Test"] * len(self.test_scores[0]) ) if self.labels is not None: combined_labels = self.labels if self.test_labels is not None: combined_labels = np.concatenate((self.labels, self.test_labels)) else: combined_labels = None else: combined_x = self.scores[0] combined_y = self.scores[1] mode_labels = None combined_labels = self.labels return combined_x, combined_y, mode_labels, combined_labels def _calculate_correlations(self): train_corrs = np.diag( cross_corrcoef(self.scores[0], self.scores[1], rowvar=False) ) test_corrs = None if self.test_scores is not None: test_corrs = np.diag( cross_corrcoef(self.test_scores[0], self.test_scores[1], rowvar=False) ) return train_corrs, test_corrs def _validate_plot_params(self): """ Validate plot parameters and check Seaborn support. """ check_seaborn_support("ScoreScatterDisplay")
[docs] @classmethod def from_estimator( cls, model, train_views, test_views=None, labels=None, test_labels=None, ax_labels=None, show_corr=True, **kwargs, ): """ Create a ScoreDisplay instance from an estimator and data representations. Args: model: The estimator model. train_views (tuple): Tuple of two arrays representing training data representations. test_views (tuple, optional): Tuple of two arrays representing test data representations. Default is None. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to the ScoreDisplay constructor. Returns: ScoreScatterDisplay: An instance of ScoreDisplay. """ train_scores = model.transform(train_views) test_scores = model.transform(test_views) if test_views is not None else None return cls.from_scores( train_scores, test_scores, labels=labels, test_labels=test_labels, ax_labels=ax_labels, show_corr=show_corr, **kwargs, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_scores( cls, train_scores, test_scores=None, labels=None, test_labels=None, ax_labels=None, show_corr=True, **kwargs, ): """ Create a ScoreDisplay instance from precomputed scores. Args: train_scores (tuple): Tuple of two arrays representing training scores for two representations. test_scores (tuple, optional): Tuple of two arrays representing test scores for two representations. Default is None. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to the ScoreDisplay constructor. Returns: ScoreScatterDisplay: An instance of ScoreDisplay. """ return cls( train_scores, test_scores, labels=labels, test_labels=test_labels, ax_labels=ax_labels, show_corr=show_corr, **kwargs, )
def _create_plot(self, x, y, hue, alpha=None, palette=None): fig, ax = plt.subplots() return ( sns.scatterplot( x=x, y=y, hue=hue, alpha=alpha, palette=palette, ax=ax, **self.kwargs, ), fig, ax, ) def plot(self, title=""): dimensions = self.scores[0].shape[1] self.figures_ = [] for i in range(dimensions): g, fig, ax = self._create_plot( x=self.combined_scores_x[:, i], y=self.combined_scores_y[:, i], hue=self.combined_labels if self.combined_labels is not None else self.mode_labels, ) if self.ax_labels is not None: ax.set_xlabel(self.ax_labels[0]) ax.set_ylabel(self.ax_labels[1]) # if g is a jointplot, get the underlying figure plt.suptitle(f"{title} Latent Dimension {i + 1}") if self.show_corr: if self.test_scores is None: ax.text( 0.05, 0.95, f"Corr: {self.train_corrs[i]:.2f}", transform=ax.transAxes, verticalalignment="top", ) else: ax.text( 0.05, 0.95, f"Test Corr: {self.test_corrs[i]:.2f}", transform=ax.transAxes, verticalalignment="top", ) # if there is a legend, move it to the bottom right if ax.get_legend() is not None: sns.move_legend(ax, "lower right") plt.tight_layout() self.figures_.append(fig)
[docs] class JointScoreScatterDisplay(ScoreScatterDisplay): def _create_plot(self, x, y, hue=None, palette=None): g = sns.jointplot( x=x, y=y, hue=hue, **self.kwargs, ) return g, g.fig, g.ax_joint
[docs] class SeparateScoreScatterDisplay(ScoreScatterDisplay): def plot(self, title=""): dimensions = self.scores[0].shape[1] self.train_figures_ = [] self.test_figures_ = [] for i in range(dimensions): g, fig, ax = self._create_plot( x=self.scores[0][:, i], y=self.scores[1][:, i], hue=self.labels, palette=sns.color_palette()[1] if self.labels is None else None, ) if self.ax_labels is not None: ax.set_xlabel(self.ax_labels[0]) ax.set_ylabel(self.ax_labels[1]) if self.show_corr: # put correlation as text in top left corner ax.text( 0.05, 0.95, f"Train Corr: {self.train_corrs[i]:.2f}", transform=ax.transAxes, verticalalignment="top", ) plt.suptitle(f"{title} Train - Latent Dimension {i + 1}") self.train_figures_.append(g) g, fig, ax = self._create_plot( x=self.test_scores[0][:, i], y=self.test_scores[1][:, i], hue=self.labels, palette=sns.color_palette()[1] if self.labels is None else None, ) if self.ax_labels is not None: ax.set_xlabel(self.ax_labels[0]) ax.set_ylabel(self.ax_labels[1]) if self.show_corr: # put correlation as text in top left corner ax.text( 0.05, 0.95, f"Test Corr: {self.test_corrs[i]:.2f}", transform=ax.transAxes, verticalalignment="top", ) plt.suptitle(f"{title} Test - Latent Dimension {i + 1}") self.test_figures_.append(g) plt.tight_layout() return self
[docs] class SeparateJointScoreDisplay(SeparateScoreScatterDisplay): def _create_plot(self, x, y, hue=None, palette=None): g = sns.jointplot( x=x, y=y, hue=hue, **self.kwargs, ) return g, g.fig, g.ax_joint
[docs] class PairScoreScatterDisplay(ScoreScatterDisplay): def plot(self): # Put the combined scores into a dataframe with dimension as column names x_vars = [f"X{i}" for i in range(self.combined_scores_x.shape[1])] y_vars = [f"Y{i}" for i in range(self.combined_scores_y.shape[1])] df = pd.DataFrame(self.combined_scores_x, columns=x_vars) df = df.join(pd.DataFrame(self.combined_scores_y, columns=y_vars)) df["Mode"] = self.mode_labels # Plot the pairplot g = sns.pairplot(df, hue="Mode", x_vars=x_vars, y_vars=y_vars, **self.kwargs) g.map_diag(sns.kdeplot) g.map_offdiag(sns.scatterplot) # Put the correlation coefficients as text in the top left corner of each plot for i in range(self.combined_scores_x.shape[1]): g.axes[i, i].text( 0.05, 0.95, f"Corr: {self.train_corrs[i]:.2f}", transform=g.axes[i, i].transAxes, verticalalignment="top", ) self.figure_ = g.fig return self