Source code for cca_zoo.deepmodels.architectures

from abc import abstractmethod
from math import sqrt
from typing import Iterable

import torch

[docs]class BaseEncoder(torch.nn.Module): @abstractmethod def __init__(self, latent_dims: int, variational: bool = False): super(BaseEncoder, self).__init__() self.variational = variational self.latent_dims = latent_dims
[docs] @abstractmethod def forward(self, x): pass
[docs]class BaseDecoder(torch.nn.Module): @abstractmethod def __init__(self, latent_dims: int): super(BaseDecoder, self).__init__() self.latent_dims = latent_dims
[docs] @abstractmethod def forward(self, x): pass
[docs]class Encoder(BaseEncoder): def __init__( self, latent_dims: int, variational: bool = False, feature_size: int = 784, layer_sizes: Iterable = None, ): super(Encoder, self).__init__(latent_dims, variational=variational) if layer_sizes is None: layer_sizes = [128] layers = [] # first layer layers.append( torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Linear(feature_size, layer_sizes[0]), torch.nn.ReLU() ) ) # other layers for l_id in range(len(layer_sizes) - 1): layers.append( torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Linear(layer_sizes[l_id], layer_sizes[l_id + 1]), torch.nn.ReLU(), ) ) self.layers = torch.nn.Sequential(*layers) if self.variational: self.fc_mu = torch.nn.Linear(layer_sizes[-1], latent_dims) self.fc_var = torch.nn.Linear(layer_sizes[-1], latent_dims) else: self.fc = torch.nn.Linear(layer_sizes[-1], latent_dims)
[docs] def forward(self, x): x = self.layers(x) if self.variational: mu = self.fc_mu(x) logvar = self.fc_var(x) return mu, logvar else: x = self.fc(x) return x
[docs]class Decoder(BaseDecoder): def __init__( self, latent_dims: int, feature_size: int = 784, layer_sizes: list = None, norm_output: bool = False, ): super(Decoder, self).__init__(latent_dims) if layer_sizes is None: layer_sizes = [128] layers = [] layers.append( torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Linear(latent_dims, layer_sizes[0]), torch.nn.Sigmoid() ) ) for l_id in range(len(layer_sizes)): if l_id == len(layer_sizes) - 1: if norm_output: layers.append( torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Linear(layer_sizes[l_id], feature_size), torch.nn.Sigmoid(), ) ) else: layers.append( torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Linear(layer_sizes[l_id], feature_size), ) ) else: layers.append( torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Linear(layer_sizes[l_id], layer_sizes[l_id + 1]), torch.nn.ReLU(), ) ) self.layers = torch.nn.Sequential(*layers)
[docs] def forward(self, x): x = self.layers(x) return x
[docs]class CNNEncoder(BaseEncoder): def __init__( self, latent_dims: int, variational: bool = False, feature_size: Iterable = (28, 28), channels: list = None, kernel_sizes: list = None, stride: list = None, padding: list = None, ): super(CNNEncoder, self).__init__(latent_dims, variational=variational) if channels is None: channels = [1, 1] if kernel_sizes is None: kernel_sizes = [5] * (len(channels)) if stride is None: stride = [1] * (len(channels)) if padding is None: padding = [2] * (len(channels)) # assume square input conv_layers = [] current_size = feature_size[0] current_channels = 1 for l_id in range(len(channels) - 1): conv_layers.append( torch.nn.Sequential( # input shape (1, current_size, current_size) torch.nn.Conv2d( in_channels=current_channels, # input height out_channels=channels[l_id], # n_filters kernel_size=kernel_sizes[l_id], # filter size stride=stride[l_id], # filter movement/step padding=padding[l_id], # if want same width and length of this image after Conv2d, padding=(kernel_size-1)/2 if # stride=1 ), # output shape (out_channels, current_size, current_size) torch.nn.ReLU(), # activation ) ) current_size = current_size current_channels = channels[l_id] if self.variational: self.fc_mu = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Linear( int(current_size * current_size * current_channels), latent_dims ), ) self.fc_var = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Linear( int(current_size * current_size * current_channels), latent_dims ), ) else: self.fc = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Linear( int(current_size * current_size * current_channels), latent_dims ), ) self.conv_layers = torch.nn.Sequential(*conv_layers)
[docs] def forward(self, x): x = self.conv_layers(x) x = x.reshape((x.shape[0], -1)) if self.variational: mu = self.fc_mu(x) logvar = self.fc_var(x) return mu, logvar else: x = self.fc(x) return x
[docs]class CNNDecoder(BaseDecoder): def __init__( self, latent_dims: int, feature_size: Iterable = (28, 28), channels: list = None, kernel_sizes=None, strides=None, paddings=None, norm_output: bool = False, ): super(CNNDecoder, self).__init__(latent_dims) if channels is None: channels = [1, 1] if kernel_sizes is None: kernel_sizes = [5] * len(channels) if strides is None: strides = [1] * len(channels) if paddings is None: paddings = [2] * len(channels) if norm_output: activation = torch.nn.Sigmoid() else: activation = torch.nn.ReLU() conv_layers = [] current_channels = 1 current_size = feature_size[0] # Loop backward through decoding layers in order to work out the dimensions at each layer - in particular the first # linear layer needs to know B*current_size*current_size*channels for l_id, (channel, kernel, stride, padding) in reversed( list(enumerate(zip(channels, kernel_sizes, strides, paddings))) ): conv_layers.append( torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.ConvTranspose2d( in_channels=channel, # input height out_channels=current_channels, kernel_size=kernel_sizes[l_id], stride=strides[l_id], # filter movement/step padding=paddings[l_id], # if want same width and length of this image after Conv2d, padding=(kernel_size-1)/2 if # stride=1 ), activation, ) ) current_size = current_size current_channels = channel # reverse layers as constructed in reverse self.conv_layers = torch.nn.Sequential(*conv_layers[::-1]) self.fc_layer = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Linear( latent_dims, int(current_size * current_size * current_channels) ), )
[docs] def forward(self, x): x = self.fc_layer(x) x = x.reshape((x.shape[0], self.conv_layers[0][0].in_channels, -1)) x = x.reshape( ( x.shape[0], self.conv_layers[0][0].in_channels, int(sqrt(x.shape[-1])), int(sqrt(x.shape[-1])), ) ) x = self.conv_layers(x) return x
[docs]class LinearEncoder(BaseEncoder): def __init__(self, latent_dims: int, feature_size: int, variational: bool = False): super(LinearEncoder, self).__init__(latent_dims, variational=variational) self.variational = variational if self.variational: self.fc_mu = torch.nn.Linear(feature_size, latent_dims) self.fc_var = torch.nn.Linear(feature_size, latent_dims) else: self.fc = torch.nn.Linear(feature_size, latent_dims)
[docs] def forward(self, x): if self.variational: mu = self.fc_mu(x) logvar = self.fc_var(x) return mu, logvar else: x = self.fc(x) return x
[docs]class LinearDecoder(BaseDecoder): def __init__(self, latent_dims: int, feature_size: int): super(LinearDecoder, self).__init__(latent_dims) self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(latent_dims, feature_size)
[docs] def forward(self, x): out = self.linear(x) return out