Source code for cca_zoo.models.rcca

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Iterable, Union

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import block_diag, eigh

from cca_zoo.models.cca_base import _CCA_Base
from cca_zoo.utils.check_values import _process_parameter, check_views

# from hyperopt import fmin, tpe, Trials

[docs]class rCCA(_CCA_Base): r""" A class used to fit Regularised CCA (canonical ridge) model. Uses PCA to perform the optimization efficiently for high dimensional data. :Maths: .. math:: w_{opt}=\underset{w}{\mathrm{argmax}}\{ w_1^TX_1^TX_2w_2 \}\\ \text{subject to:} (1-c_1)w_1^TX_1^TX_1w_1+c_1w_1^Tw_1=1 (1-c_2)w_2^TX_2^TX_2w_2+c_2w_2^Tw_2=1 :Citation: Vinod, Hrishikesh D. "Canonical ridge and econometrics of joint production." Journal of econometrics 4.2 (1976): 147-166. :Example: >>> from cca_zoo.models import rCCA >>> import numpy as np >>> rng=np.random.RandomState(0) >>> X1 = rng.random((10,5)) >>> X2 = rng.random((10,5)) >>> model = rCCA(c=[0.1,0.1]) >>>,X2)).score((X1,X2)) array([0.95222128]) """ def __init__( self, latent_dims: int = 1, scale: bool = True, centre=True, copy_data=True, random_state=None, c: Union[Iterable[float], float] = None, eps=1e-3, accept_sparse=None, ): """ Constructor for rCCA :param latent_dims: number of latent dimensions to fit :param scale: normalize variance in each column before fitting :param centre: demean data by column before fitting (and before transforming out of sample :param copy_data: If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten :param random_state: Pass for reproducible output across multiple function calls :param c: Iterable of regularisation parameters for each view (between 0:CCA and 1:PLS) :param eps: epsilon for stability :param accept_sparse: which forms are accepted for sparse data """ if accept_sparse is None: accept_sparse = ["csc", "csr"] super().__init__( latent_dims=latent_dims, scale=scale, centre=centre, copy_data=copy_data, accept_sparse=accept_sparse, random_state=random_state, ) self.c = c self.eps = eps def _check_params(self): self.c = _process_parameter("c", self.c, 0, self.n_views)
[docs] def fit(self, views: Iterable[np.ndarray], y=None, **kwargs): """ Fits a regularised CCA (canonical ridge) model :param views: list/tuple of numpy arrays or array likes with the same number of rows (samples) """ views = check_views( *views, copy=self.copy_data, accept_sparse=self.accept_sparse ) views = self._centre_scale(views) self.n_views = len(views) self.n = views[0].shape[0] self._check_params() views, C, D = self._setup_evp(views, **kwargs) self._solve_evp(views, C, D, **kwargs) return self
@abstractmethod def _setup_evp(self, views: Iterable[np.ndarray], **kwargs): Us, Ss, Vts = _pca_data(*views) self.Bs = [ (1 - self.c[i]) * S * S / self.n + self.c[i] for i, S in enumerate(Ss) ] if len(views) == 2: self._two_view = True C, D = self._two_view_evp(Us, Ss) else: self._two_view = False C, D = self._multi_view_evp(Us, Ss) return Vts, C, D @abstractmethod def _solve_evp(self, views: Iterable[np.ndarray], C, D=None, **kwargs): p = C.shape[0] if self._two_view: [eigvals, eigvecs] = eigh(C, subset_by_index=[p - self.latent_dims, p - 1]) eigvecs = eigvecs idx = np.argsort(eigvals, axis=0)[::-1][: self.latent_dims] eigvecs = eigvecs[:, idx].real w_y = views[1].T @ np.diag(1 / np.sqrt(self.Bs[1])) @ eigvecs w_x = ( views[0].T @ np.diag(1 / self.Bs[0]) @ self.R_12 @ np.diag(1 / np.sqrt(self.Bs[1])) @ eigvecs / np.sqrt(eigvals[idx]) ) self.weights = [w_x, w_y] else: [eigvals, eigvecs] = eigh( C, D, subset_by_index=[p - self.latent_dims, p - 1] ) idx = np.argsort(eigvals, axis=0)[::-1] eigvecs = eigvecs[:, idx].real self.weights = [ Vt.T @ np.diag(1 / np.sqrt(B)) @ eigvecs[split : self.splits[i + 1], : self.latent_dims] for i, (split, Vt, B) in enumerate( zip(self.splits[:-1], views, self.Bs) ) ] def _two_view_evp(self, Us, Ss): Rs = [U @ np.diag(S) for U, S in zip(Us, Ss)] self.R_12 = Rs[0].T @ Rs[1] M = ( np.diag(1 / np.sqrt(self.Bs[1])) @ self.R_12.T @ np.diag(1 / self.Bs[0]) @ self.R_12 @ np.diag(1 / np.sqrt(self.Bs[1])) ) return M, None def _multi_view_evp(self, Us, Ss): D = block_diag( *[np.diag((1 - self.c[i]) * S * S + self.c[i]) for i, S in enumerate(Ss)] ) C = np.concatenate([U @ np.diag(S) for U, S in zip(Us, Ss)], axis=1) C = C.T @ C C -= block_diag(*[np.diag(S ** 2) for U, S in zip(Us, Ss)]) - D D_smallest_eig = min(0, np.linalg.eigvalsh(D).min()) - self.eps D = D - D_smallest_eig * np.eye(D.shape[0]) self.splits = np.cumsum([0] + [U.shape[1] for U in Us]) return C, D
[docs]class CCA(rCCA): r""" A class used to fit a simple CCA model Implements CCA by inheriting regularised CCA with 0 regularisation :Maths: .. math:: w_{opt}=\underset{w}{\mathrm{argmax}}\{ w_1^TX_1^TX_2w_2 \}\\ \text{subject to:} w_1^TX_1^TX_1w_1=1 w_2^TX_2^TX_2w_2=1 :Citation: Hotelling, Harold. "Relations between two sets of variates." Breakthroughs in statistics. Springer, New York, NY, 1992. 162-190. :Example: >>> from cca_zoo.models import CCA >>> import numpy as np >>> rng=np.random.RandomState(0) >>> X1 = rng.random((10,5)) >>> X2 = rng.random((10,5)) >>> model = CCA() >>>,X2)).score((X1,X2)) array([1.]) """ def __init__( self, latent_dims: int = 1, scale: bool = True, centre=True, copy_data=True, random_state=None, ): """ Constructor for CCA :param latent_dims: number of latent dimensions to fit :param scale: normalize variance in each column before fitting :param centre: demean data by column before fitting (and before transforming out of sample :param copy_data: If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten :param random_state: Pass for reproducible output across multiple function calls """ super().__init__( latent_dims=latent_dims, scale=scale, centre=centre, copy_data=copy_data, c=[0.0, 0.0], random_state=random_state, )
[docs]class PLS(rCCA): r""" A class used to fit a simple PLS model Implements PLS by inheriting regularised CCA with maximal regularisation :Maths: .. math:: w_{opt}=\underset{w}{\mathrm{argmax}}\{ w_1^TX_1^TX_2w_2 \}\\ \text{subject to:} w_1^Tw_1=1 w_2^Tw_2=1 :Example: >>> from cca_zoo.models import PLS >>> import numpy as np >>> rng=np.random.RandomState(0) >>> X1 = rng.random((10,5)) >>> X2 = rng.random((10,5)) >>> model = PLS() >>>,X2)).score((X1,X2)) array([0.81796873]) """ def __init__( self, latent_dims: int = 1, scale: bool = True, centre=True, copy_data=True, random_state=None, ): """ Constructor for PLS :param latent_dims: number of latent dimensions to fit :param scale: normalize variance in each column before fitting :param centre: demean data by column before fitting (and before transforming out of sample :param copy_data: If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten :param random_state: Pass for reproducible output across multiple function calls """ super().__init__( latent_dims=latent_dims, scale=scale, centre=centre, copy_data=copy_data, c=[1.0, 1.0], random_state=random_state, )
def _pca_data(*views: np.ndarray): """ :param views: numpy arrays with the same number of rows (samples) separated by commas """ views_U = [] views_S = [] views_Vt = [] for i, view in enumerate(views): U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(view, full_matrices=False) views_U.append(U) views_S.append(S) views_Vt.append(Vt) return views_U, views_S, views_Vt