Source code for cca_zoo.models.tcca

from typing import Iterable, Union

import numpy as np
import tensorly as tl
from scipy.linalg import sqrtm
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import pairwise_kernels
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted
from tensorly.decomposition import parafac

from cca_zoo.models._cca_base import _CCA_Base
from cca_zoo.utils.check_values import _process_parameter, _check_views

[docs]class TCCA(_CCA_Base): r""" Fits a Tensor CCA model. Tensor CCA maximises higher order correlations :Maths: .. math:: \alpha_{opt}=\underset{\alpha}{\mathrm{argmax}}\{\sum_i\sum_{j\neq i} \alpha_i^TK_i^TK_j\alpha_j \}\\ \text{subject to:} \alpha_i^TK_i^TK_i\alpha_i=1 :Citation: Kim, Tae-Kyun, Shu-Fai Wong, and Roberto Cipolla. "Tensor canonical correlation analysis for action classification." 2007 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. IEEE, 2007 :Example: >>> from cca_zoo.models import TCCA >>> rng=np.random.RandomState(0) >>> X1 = rng.random((10,5)) >>> X2 = rng.random((10,5)) >>> X3 = rng.random((10,5)) >>> model = TCCA() >>>,X2,X3)).score((X1,X2,X3)) array([1.14595755]) """ def __init__( self, latent_dims: int = 1, scale=True, centre=True, copy_data=True, random_state=None, c: Union[Iterable[float], float] = None, ): """ Constructor for TCCA :param latent_dims: number of latent dimensions to fit :param scale: normalize variance in each column before fitting :param centre: demean data by column before fitting (and before transforming out of sample :param copy_data: If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten :param random_state: Pass for reproducible output across multiple function calls :param c: Iterable of regularisation parameters for each view (between 0:CCA and 1:PLS) """ super().__init__( latent_dims=latent_dims, scale=scale, centre=centre, copy_data=copy_data, accept_sparse=["csc", "csr"], random_state=random_state, ) self.c = c def _check_params(self): self.c = _process_parameter("c", self.c, 0, self.n_views)
[docs] def fit(self, views: Iterable[np.ndarray], y=None, **kwargs): """ :param views: list/tuple of numpy arrays or array likes with the same number of rows (samples) """ views = _check_views( *views, copy=self.copy_data, accept_sparse=self.accept_sparse ) views = self._centre_scale(views) self.n_views = len(views) self.n = views[0].shape[0] self._check_params() # returns whitened views along with whitening matrices whitened_views, covs_invsqrt = self._setup_tensor(*views) # The idea here is to form a matrix with M dimensions one for each view where at index # M[p_i,p_j,p_k...] we have the sum over n samples of the product of the pth feature of the # ith, jth, kth view etc. for i, el in enumerate(whitened_views): # To achieve this we start with the first view so M is nxp. if i == 0: M = el # For the remaining views we expand their dimensions to match M i.e. nx1x...x1xp else: for _ in range(len(M.shape) - 1): el = np.expand_dims(el, 1) # Then we perform an outer product by expanding the dimensionality of M and # outer product with the expanded el M = np.expand_dims(M, -1) @ el M = np.mean(M, 0) tl.set_backend("numpy") M_parafac = parafac(M, self.latent_dims, verbose=False) self.weights = [ cov_invsqrt @ fac for i, (view, cov_invsqrt, fac) in enumerate( zip(whitened_views, covs_invsqrt, M_parafac.factors) ) ] return self
[docs] def correlations(self, views: Iterable[np.ndarray], y=None, **kwargs): """ Predicts the correlation for the given data using the fit model :param views: list/tuple of numpy arrays or array likes with the same number of rows (samples) :param kwargs: any additional keyword arguments required by the given model """ transformed_views = self.transform(views, **kwargs) transformed_views = [ transformed_view - transformed_view.mean(axis=0) for transformed_view in transformed_views ] multiplied_views = np.stack(transformed_views, axis=0).prod(axis=0).mean(axis=0) stds = np.stack( [transformed_view.std(axis=0) for transformed_view in transformed_views], axis=0, ).prod(axis=0) corrs = multiplied_views / stds return corrs
[docs] def score(self, views: Iterable[np.ndarray], y=None, **kwargs): """ Returns the higher order correlations in each dimension :param views: list/tuple of numpy arrays or array likes with the same number of rows (samples) :param kwargs: any additional keyword arguments required by the given model """ dim_corrs = self.correlations(views, **kwargs) return dim_corrs
def _setup_tensor(self, *views: np.ndarray, **kwargs): train_views = self._centre_scale(views) n = train_views[0].shape[0] covs = [ (1 - self.c[i]) * view.T @ view / (self.n) + self.c[i] * np.eye(view.shape[1]) for i, view in enumerate(train_views) ] covs_invsqrt = [np.linalg.inv(sqrtm(cov)) for cov in covs] train_views = [ train_view @ cov_invsqrt for train_view, cov_invsqrt in zip(train_views, covs_invsqrt) ] return train_views, covs_invsqrt
[docs]class KTCCA(TCCA): r""" Fits a Kernel Tensor CCA model. Tensor CCA maximises higher order correlations :Maths: .. math:: \alpha_{opt}=\underset{\alpha}{\mathrm{argmax}}\{\sum_i\sum_{j\neq i} \alpha_i^TK_i^TK_j\alpha_j \}\\ \text{subject to:} \alpha_i^TK_i^TK_i\alpha_i=1 :Citation: Kim, Tae-Kyun, Shu-Fai Wong, and Roberto Cipolla. "Tensor canonical correlation analysis for action classification." 2007 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. IEEE, 2007 :Example: >>> from cca_zoo.models import KTCCA >>> rng=np.random.RandomState(0) >>> X1 = rng.random((10,5)) >>> X2 = rng.random((10,5)) >>> X3 = rng.random((10,5)) >>> model = KTCCA() >>>,X2,X3)).score((X1,X2,X3)) array([1.69896269]) """ def __init__( self, latent_dims: int = 1, scale: bool = True, centre=True, copy_data=True, random_state=None, eps=1e-3, c: Union[Iterable[float], float] = None, kernel: Iterable[Union[float, callable]] = None, gamma: Iterable[float] = None, degree: Iterable[float] = None, coef0: Iterable[float] = None, kernel_params: Iterable[dict] = None, ): """ Constructor for TCCA :param latent_dims: number of latent dimensions to fit :param scale: normalize variance in each column before fitting :param centre: demean data by column before fitting (and before transforming out of sample :param copy_data: If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten :param random_state: Pass for reproducible output across multiple function calls :param c: Iterable of regularisation parameters for each view (between 0:CCA and 1:PLS) :param kernel: Iterable of kernel mappings used internally. This parameter is directly passed to :class:`~sklearn.metrics.pairwise.pairwise_kernel`. If element of `kernel` is a string, it must be one of the metrics in `pairwise.PAIRWISE_KERNEL_FUNCTIONS`. Alternatively, if element of `kernel` is a callable function, it is called on each pair of instances (rows) and the resulting value recorded. The callable should take two rows from X as input and return the corresponding kernel value as a single number. This means that callables from :mod:`sklearn.metrics.pairwise` are not allowed, as they operate on matrices, not single samples. Use the string identifying the kernel instead. :param gamma: Iterable of gamma parameters for the RBF, laplacian, polynomial, exponential chi2 and sigmoid kernels. Interpretation of the default value is left to the kernel; see the documentation for sklearn.metrics.pairwise. Ignored by other kernels. :param degree: Iterable of degree parameters of the polynomial kernel. Ignored by other kernels. :param coef0: Iterable of zero coefficients for polynomial and sigmoid kernels. Ignored by other kernels. :param kernel_params: Iterable of additional parameters (keyword arguments) for kernel function passed as callable object. :param eps: epsilon value to ensure stability """ super().__init__( latent_dims=latent_dims, scale=scale, centre=centre, copy_data=copy_data, random_state=random_state, ) self.kernel_params = kernel_params self.gamma = gamma self.coef0 = coef0 self.kernel = kernel = degree self.c = c self.eps = eps def _check_params(self): self.kernel = _process_parameter("kernel", self.kernel, "linear", self.n_views) self.gamma = _process_parameter("gamma", self.gamma, None, self.n_views) self.coef0 = _process_parameter("coef0", self.coef0, 1, self.n_views) = _process_parameter("degree",, 1, self.n_views) self.c = _process_parameter("c", self.c, 0, self.n_views) def _get_kernel(self, view, X, Y=None): if callable(self.kernel[view]): params = self.kernel_params[view] or {} else: params = { "gamma": self.gamma[view], "degree":[view], "coef0": self.coef0[view], } return pairwise_kernels( X, Y, metric=self.kernel[view], filter_params=True, **params ) def _setup_tensor(self, *views: np.ndarray): self.train_views = views kernels = [self._get_kernel(i, view) for i, view in enumerate(self.train_views)] covs = [ (1 - self.c[i]) * kernel @ kernel.T / (self.n - 1) + self.c[i] * kernel for i, kernel in enumerate(kernels) ] smallest_eigs = [ min(0, np.linalg.eigvalsh(cov).min()) - self.eps for cov in covs ] covs = [ cov - smallest_eig * np.eye(cov.shape[0]) for cov, smallest_eig in zip(covs, smallest_eigs) ] self.covs_invsqrt = [np.linalg.inv(sqrtm(cov)).real for cov in covs] kernels = [ kernel @ cov_invsqrt for kernel, cov_invsqrt in zip(kernels, self.covs_invsqrt) ] return kernels, self.covs_invsqrt
[docs] def transform(self, views: np.ndarray, y=None, **kwargs): """ Transforms data given a fit k=KCCA model :param views: list/tuple of numpy arrays or array likes with the same number of rows (samples) :param kwargs: any additional keyword arguments required by the given model """ check_is_fitted(self, attributes=["weights"]) views = _check_views( *views, copy=self.copy_data, accept_sparse=self.accept_sparse ) views = self._centre_scale_transform(views) Ktest = [ self._get_kernel(i, self.train_views[i], Y=view) for i, view in enumerate(views) ] transformed_views = [ kernel.T @ self.weights[i] for i, kernel in enumerate(Ktest) ] return transformed_views