Source code for

import itertools
from typing import List, Union

import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
from scipy.linalg import block_diag
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_random_state

from ..utils import _process_parameter

[docs]def generate_covariance_data( n: int, view_features: List[int], latent_dims: int = 1, view_sparsity: List[Union[int, float]] = None, correlation: Union[List[float], float] = 1, structure: Union[str, List[str]] = None, sigma: Union[List[float], float] = None, decay: float = 0.5, positive=None, random_state: Union[int, np.random.RandomState] = None, ): """ Function to generate CCA dataset with defined population correlations :param n: number of samples :param view_sparsity: level of sparsity in features in each view either as number of active variables or percentage active :param view_features: number of features in each view :param latent_dims: number of latent dimensions :param correlation: correlation either as list with element for each latent dimension or as float which is scaled by 'decay' :param structure: within view covariance structure ('identity','gaussian','toeplitz','random') :param sigma: gaussian sigma :param decay: ratio of second signal to first signal :return: tuple of numpy arrays: view_1, view_2, true weights from view 1, true weights from view 2, overall covariance structure :Example: >>> from import generate_covariance_data >>> [train_view_1,train_view_2],[true_weights_1,true_weights_2]=generate_covariance_data(200,[10,10],latent_dims=1,correlation=1) """ random_state = check_random_state(random_state) structure = _process_parameter( "structure", structure, "identity", len(view_features) ) view_sparsity = _process_parameter( "view_sparsity", view_sparsity, 1, len(view_features) ) positive = _process_parameter("positive", positive, False, len(view_features)) sigma = _process_parameter("sigma", sigma, 0.5, len(view_features)) completed = False attempts = 0 while not completed and attempts < 10: try: mean = np.zeros(sum(view_features)) if not isinstance(correlation, list): p = np.arange(0, latent_dims) correlation = correlation * decay ** p covs = [] true_features = [] for view_p, sparsity, view_structure, view_positive, view_sigma in zip( view_features, view_sparsity, structure, positive, sigma ): # Covariance Bit if view_structure == "identity": cov_ = np.eye(view_p) elif view_structure == "gaussian": cov_ = _generate_gaussian_cov(view_p, view_sigma) elif view_structure == "toeplitz": cov_ = _generate_toeplitz_cov(view_p, view_sigma) elif view_structure == "random": cov_ = _generate_random_cov(view_p, random_state) else: completed = True print("invalid structure") break weights = random_state.randn(view_p, latent_dims) if sparsity <= 1: sparsity = np.ceil(sparsity * view_p).astype("int") if sparsity < view_p: mask = np.stack( ( np.concatenate( ([0] * (view_p - sparsity), [1] * sparsity) ).astype(bool), ) * latent_dims, axis=0, ).T mask = mask.flatten() random_state.shuffle(mask) mask = mask.reshape(weights.shape) weights = weights * mask if view_positive: weights[weights < 0] = 0 weights = _decorrelate_dims(weights, cov_) weights /= np.sqrt(np.diag((weights.T @ cov_ @ weights))) true_features.append(weights) covs.append(cov_) cov = block_diag(*covs) splits = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(view_features))) for i, j in itertools.combinations(range(len(splits) - 1), 2): cross = np.zeros((view_features[i], view_features[j])) for _ in range(latent_dims): A = correlation[_] * np.outer( true_features[i][:, _], true_features[j][:, _] ) # Cross Bit cross += covs[i] @ A @ covs[j] cov[ splits[i] : splits[i] + view_features[i], splits[j] : splits[j] + view_features[j], ] = cross cov[ splits[j] : splits[j] + view_features[j], splits[i] : splits[i] + view_features[i], ] = cross.T X = np.zeros((n, sum(view_features))) chol = np.linalg.cholesky(cov) for _ in range(n): X[_, :] = _chol_sample(mean, chol, random_state) views = np.split(X, np.cumsum(view_features)[:-1], axis=1) completed = True except: completed = False attempts += 1 if not completed: raise ValueError( "Could not generate positive definite covariance matrix for supplied parameters." ) return views, true_features
[docs]def generate_simple_data( n: int, view_features: List[int], view_sparsity: List[Union[int, float]] = None, eps: float = 0, transform=False, random_state=None, ): """ Simple latent variable model to generate data with one latent factor :param n: number of samples :param view_features: number of features view 1 :param view_sparsity: number of features view 2 :param eps: gaussian noise std :return: view1 matrix, view2 matrix, true weights view 1, true weights view 2 :Example: >>> from import generate_simple_data >>> [train_view_1,train_view_2],[true_weights_1,true_weights_2]=generate_covariance_data(200,[10,10]) """ random_state = check_random_state(random_state) z = random_state.randn(n) if transform: z = np.sin(z) views = [] true_features = [] view_sparsity = _process_parameter( "view_sparsity", view_sparsity, 0, len(view_features) ) for p, sparsity in zip(view_features, view_sparsity): weights = random_state.normal(size=(p, 1)) if sparsity <= 1: sparsity = np.ceil(sparsity * p).astype("int") weights[random_state.choice(np.arange(p), p - sparsity, replace=False)] = 0 gaussian_x = random_state.normal(0, eps, size=(n, p)) * eps view = np.outer(z, weights) view += gaussian_x views.append(view / np.linalg.norm(view, axis=0)) true_features.append(weights) return views, true_features
def _decorrelate_dims(up, cov): A = up.T @ cov @ up for k in range(1, A.shape[0]): up[:, k:] -= np.outer(up[:, k - 1], A[k - 1, k:] / A[k - 1, k - 1]) A = up.T @ cov @ up return up def _chol_sample(mean, chol, random_state): rng = check_random_state(random_state) return mean + chol @ rng.randn(mean.size) def _gaussian(x, mu, sig, dn): """ Generate a gaussian covariance matrix :param x: :param mu: :param sig: :param dn: """ return ( np.exp(-np.power(x - mu, 2.0) / (2 * np.power(sig, 2.0))) * dn / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sig) ) def _generate_gaussian_cov(p, sigma): x = np.linspace(-1, 1, p) x_tile = np.tile(x, (p, 1)) mu_tile = np.transpose(x_tile) dn = 2 / (p - 1) cov = _gaussian(x_tile, mu_tile, sigma, dn) cov /= cov.max() return cov def _generate_toeplitz_cov(p, sigma): c = np.arange(0, p) c = sigma ** c cov = linalg.toeplitz(c, c) return cov def _generate_random_cov(p, random_state): rng = check_random_state(random_state) cov_ = rng.randn(p, p) U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(cov_.T @ cov_) cov = U @ (1 + np.diag(rng.randn(p))) @ Vt return cov