User Guide

This guide will show you how to use cca-zoo to perform canonical correlation analysis (CCA) and its variants on multiview data.

Model Fit

To fit a CCA model, you need to provide two or more views of the same data as numpy arrays. For example, you can generate some synthetic data with two views and 10 features each:

import numpy as np

train_view_1 = np.random.normal(size=(100, 10))
train_view_2 = np.random.normal(size=(100, 10))
# Remove mean
train_view_1 -= train_view_1.mean(axis=0)
train_view_2 -= train_view_2.mean(axis=0)

Then, you can import the CCA model and create an instance with the desired number of latent dimensions:

from cca_zoo.models import CCA

linear_cca = CCA(latent_dims=latent_dims)

Finally, you can fit the model to the data by passing a list of the views:[train_view_1, train_view_2])

Hyperparameter Tuning

Some models have hyperparameters that need to be tuned for optimal performance. You can either choose these manually when creating the model instance, or you can use the gridsearch_fit() method to use a data-driven approach.

For example, if you want to use regularized CCA (rCCA), you need to choose the regularization parameters for each view. You can define a grid of possible values and use the GridSearchCV class to find the best combination:

from cca_zoo.models import rCCA
from cca_zoo.model_selection import GridSearchCV

# Define a custom scoring function that returns the mean correlation in the latent space
def scorer(estimator,X):
   return dim_corrs.mean()

# Define a grid of regularization parameters for each view
c1 = [0.1, 0.3, 0.7, 0.9]
c2 = [0.1, 0.3, 0.7, 0.9]
param_grid = {'c': [c1,c2]}

# Define the number of folds for cross-validation
cv = 5

# Create and fit a grid search object with rCCA as the base estimator
ridge = GridSearchCV(rCCA(latent_dims=latent_dims),param_grid=param_grid,

Model Transforms

Once models are fit, you can transform the data to latent projections for each view. This will return a list of numpy arrays with the same number of samples as the input data and as many columns as latent dimensions:


In a similar way to scikit-learn, you can also call fit_transform to complete both fitting and transforming steps in one go:


Model Evaluation

You can evaluate models by their correlation in the latent space. This will return a numpy array with as many elements as latent dimensions:


For most models this gives us the average pairwise correlation in each latent dimension. For tensor CCA models this gives the higher order correlation in each dimension.

Model Weights

In some applications of CCA, we are interested in the model weights. These are the linear transformations that map each view to the latent space. You can easily access them as numpy arrays with #features x #latent_dimensions for each view:


Deep Models

Deep models are CCA models that use neural networks as encoders for each view. They allow us to capture nonlinear relationships between views and learn more expressive representations.

To use deep models, we first need to choose the architectures for our encoder networks. For example, we can use simple multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) with 784 input features and 3 latent dimensions:

from cca_zoo.deepmodels import architectures
encoder_1 = architectures.Encoder(latent_dims=latent_dims, feature_size=784)
encoder_2 = architectures.Encoder(latent_dims=latent_dims, feature_size=784)

We can then build our deep CCA model using these encoders as inputs:

from cca_zoo.deepmodels import DCCA
dcca_model = DCCA(latent_dims=latent_dims, encoders=[encoder_1, encoder_2])

This produces a PyTorch.nn.Module object which can be updated in a customised training loop. We also provide a LightningModule class from pytorch-lightning which can be used to train any of these models with minimal boilerplate code.