CCA-Zoo: Dive into the World of Canonical Correlation Analysis

Welcome to CCA-Zoo, your one-stop hub for Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) algorithms. Unleashing the power of modern computational methods, CCA-Zoo is designed to assist you in delving deep into the multi-view data world.

What is CCA?

Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) is a technique used to find the correlations between two or more views of data. It’s a tool that helps in understanding the relationships between multiple sets of variables. In the realm of machine learning, deep learning, and data analysis, it plays a pivotal role in multi-view learning.

Why CCA-Zoo?

  1. Comprehensive: From traditional linear CCA to deep learning versions like Deep CCA, CCA-Zoo offers an extensive range of algorithms.

  2. User-Friendly: With an intuitive API design, even newcomers can swiftly familiarize themselves with CCA concepts.

  3. Performance: Leveraging the power of Python and efficient computational libraries, CCA-Zoo ensures robust and speedy analysis.

  4. Active Community: Being open-source, CCA-Zoo thrives on community contributions, making it ever-evolving and up-to-date.