Canonical Correlation Analysis for Multiview Data#

This script illustrates how to utilize the cca_zoo library to apply and compare various canonical correlation analysis (CCA) methods for datasets with more than two representations.


import numpy as np

from cca_zoo.datasets import JointData
from cca_zoo.linear import GCCA, MCCA, SPLS, TCCA
from cca_zoo.nonparametric import KCCA, KGCCA, KTCCA

Data Preparation#

Generating a synthetic dataset with three representations (X, Y, Z) that share a common latent variable. Specifying the number of samples, features per view, and the latent space dimensionality.

n, p, q, r, latent_dimensions, cv = 30, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3

(X, Y, Z) = JointData(
    view_features=[p, q, r], latent_dimensions=latent_dimensions, correlation=[0.9]

Eigendecomposition-Based Methods#

These techniques leverage eigendecomposition or singular value decomposition to find the optimal linear transformations for the representations to maximize correlation.

# MCCA (Multiset CCA) - Generalizes CCA for multiple representations by maximizing pairwise correlations.
mcca = MCCA(latent_dimensions=latent_dimensions).fit((X, Y, X)).score((X, Y, Z))

# GCCA (Generalized CCA) - Maximizes correlation between each transformed view and a shared latent variable.
gcca = GCCA(latent_dimensions=latent_dimensions).fit((X, Y, X)).score((X, Y, Z))

Kernel Methods#

Kernel-based techniques map the original representations to a high-dimensional feature space and then apply linear transformations in that space.

# KCCA (Kernel CCA) - Kernel-based extension of CCA for multiple representations.
kcca = KCCA(latent_dimensions=latent_dimensions).fit((X, Y, X)).score((X, Y, Z))

# KGCCA (Kernel Generalized CCA) - A kernel-based version of GCCA for multiple representations.
kgcca = KGCCA(latent_dimensions=latent_dimensions).fit((X, Y, X)).score((X, Y, Z))

Iterative Techniques#

These methods employ iterative algorithms to deduce optimal linear transformations for the representations.

# SPLS (Sparse CCA by Penalized Matrix Decomposition) - A sparse CCA variant.
pmd = SPLS(tau=0.1, tol=1e-5).fit((X, Y, X)).score((X, Y, Z))
Latent Dimension:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Epochs:   0%|          | 0/100 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Epochs:   1%|          | 1/100 [00:00<00:03, 29.55it/s]

Latent Dimension: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 21.16it/s]

Tensor Decomposition Methods#

Techniques utilizing tensor decomposition to discern higher-order correlations among the representations.

# TCCA (Tensor CCA) - A tensor-based extension of CCA for multiple representations.
tcca = TCCA(latent_dimensions=latent_dimensions).fit((X, Y, X)).score((X, Y, Z))

# KTCCA - [Provide a brief description, as it's missing in the original].
ktcca = KTCCA(latent_dimensions=latent_dimensions).fit((X, Y, X)).score((X, Y, Z))

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.268 seconds)

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